Does he not have the Right to be Happy?

Help us to give Animals their Rights back!

“How long will the ground be dry and the pasturelands parched?  

  The birds and animals are dead and gone.

  And all of this happened because the people are so sinful.
  They even brag,“

        (bible, Jeremiah)


Fish and first insects populated the earth already 419 till 359 million years ago, the first mammals appeared between 66 and 56 million years ago. 


First 15 million years ago the first human-like creatures appeared!

Animals have a right on this earth much more than us and just like towards elders we should pay them respect.

They exist for their own reason - and long before us
- we are the intruders!

With what right? Where do we draw the line?
How do we define this self-made law?
How do we justify it?

Whether you belive in evolution or a god - how can you justify this?

With inteligence?
Then this line could be easily drawn among people, religions, gender and nationality too!
It is a fact that people who abuse and torture animals lack compassion and empathy in general - they tend to violance and often don't draw a line between hurting an animal and a person.
So people who posess this compassion and empathy need to be even more conscious, attentive and care.
And passiveness can often be a even bigger crime!

Thus it is important that those who care and those who have power don't allow to draw such lines in the first place.

Animal Rights must be acknoledged in full and without exceptions!
Nor can there be any exceptions among animals!
There is no question about whether it is okay to abuse a dog or a pig.
And there is no possibility to justify such a distinction!
As long as we consider all animals living beings just like us,
sharing the same ancestors,
all living beings should be protected from violance and abuse - Without Exception.





Animals can cry, smile, love, eat, breath, drink, they bleed and get hurt, they can become ill - their body as well as soul --,
they cry when loosing an animal or human friend, 
they can play and be happy but also get depressed,
they carry their babys in their womb -they give birth to them in pain -
and cry in pain when they get stolen away.


So how can you believe in evolution?

In equality? In peace? In a God? In rebirth?

- If you only believe in one of them, is that not a contradiction? - 

Just once, only once take a deep look into their eyes, which are full of life and love. You will see us in our purest form.

You will see those eyes cry if you treat them bad and you will see them smile if you give them just a bit of the love they are ready to give to you!

We don't only have to accept them as alive, feeling beings with right to live and not to suffer, but we also can learn so much from them in every way.

And in recent years there seems to be a new, long-awaited
and long-needed awakening!

More and more people understand that no living being deserves to suffer!
That the modern, artificial blind mass consumption of meat and fish
is the number one killer of our planet, linked with tremendous negative results for nature, people, animals and health.

People that understand that their is no difference between humans and animals when it comes to their rights,
no difference between a pig and a dog,
understand, that there are enough alternatives to meat
and ways to reduce the suffer linked to it,
that today, in the 21th. Century the mass consumption of meat,
animal abuse, encaging and exploitation
can't be justified in any way!

If you want to be part of this awakeing and contribute to such a world,
you will find plenty ways, supports and inspirations here!

Thank you for contributing to a better world!

Animal Rights Quotes

1. Ever occur to you why some of us can be this much concerned with    

    animals suffering? Because government is not. Why not?

    Animals don't vote! ~Paul Harvey


2. Why should man expect his prayer for mercy to be heard by what is above

     him when he shows no mercy to what is under him? ~Pierre Troubetzkoy


3. God loved the birds and invented trees. Man loved the birds and invented

     cages. ~Jacques Deval


4. We have enslaved the rest of the animal creation, and have treated our

     distant cousins in fur and feathers so badly that beyond doubt,

     if they were able to formulate a religion, they would depict the Devil in

     human form. ~William Ralph Inge


5. Ask the experimenters why they experiment on animals,and the answer

    is: "Because the animals are like us."

    Ask the experimenters why it is morally okay to experiment on animals,

    and the answer is: "Because the animals are not like us."

    Animal experimentation rests on a logical contradiction. ~Charles R. Magel


6. Man is the only creature that consumes without producing.

    He does not give milk, he does not lay eggs,

    he is too weak to pull the plough,

    he cannot run fast enough to catch rabbits.

    Yet he is lord of all the animals.  ~George Orwell


7. If you love animals called pets, why do you eat animals called dinner?

    ~As seen on ashirt at


8. The animals of the world exist for their own reasons.

     They were not made for humans any more than black people were made

     for white, or women created for men. ~Alice Walker


9. There is not an animal on Earth, nor a bird that flies on it's wings,

     but they are communities like you... - Coran, Islam


10. He who desires to augment his own flesh by eating the flesh of other            creatures lives in misery in whatever species he may take his birth.

     -Mahabharata, Hinduism 


11. To completely abstaint from the act of killing directly and indirectly,                 eat only pure vegetarian food ~ Buddhism 


12. You say that the One Lord is in all,

      so why do you kill chickens? - Sikhism


13. Propagate the religion which is a blessing to all creatures

      in the world. - Jainism 







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Protect & Track A Turtle, Whale or Elefant with this beautiful Jewelry!

By buying one of the beautiful bracelets and jewelry from "Wildlifecollections" you not only get a unique, perfect present or pretty new accessoire for yourself but also supports a Animal! 

And you will even get to know the one you have supported and will be able to track it!

Find out more here:

,,Animals cannot speak, but can you and I not speak for them and represent them? Let us all feel their silent cry of agony and let us all help that cry to be heard in the world."

- Rukmini Devi Arundale

,,You don't have to go

  on a pilgrimage,

  to find enlightment,

  you don't have to be

  a saint, to change the

Liberty is the right of every living being!
And no one has the right to take this liberty away!
Since having power,
doesn't mean having Right!

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