Where to buy ,,Animal friendly Products"?

There are many ways to buy "Vegan" - "Biological" and "Animal-friendly" Cosmetic.


Here is a list where you can get more information about it and where you will find such products:


 - Pharmacies


 - Health Food Markets


 - Bio Markets


 - Lokal Farm Shops


 - Online Shops of ,,Green Cosmetic Brands" 


 - Ayurvedic & Yoga Facilities


 - In your own House and Garden! (see magazines)

 - Also have a look at the links of the online stores of Animal friendly shops under  
   the topic "Animal Friendly Products"



Homemade Green Cosmetic Recipes
A Guide to Bio Cosmetic

Buying Products

Henna / Natural Hair Color






Eyeshadow / Rouge



Face Rose Water
Lotus Face&Body Lotion
Centella Oil



If you want more information about Animal friendly Cosmetic, please leave a comment below, 
or simply write us a mail to the following mail-address:


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Have a Heart for Dogs in Need!

Here is an easy way to donate in order to save or reduce the pain of an animal!

We will announce a special donation call from time to time, but you can also always simply donate via our shop or by clicking on any product link, where every bit of the gain goes to our partner projects!

Protect & Track A Turtle, Whale or Elefant with this beautiful Jewelry!

By buying one of the beautiful bracelets and jewelry from "Wildlifecollections" you not only get a unique, perfect present or pretty new accessoire for yourself but also supports a Animal! 

And you will even get to know the one you have supported and will be able to track it!

Find out more here:

,,Animals cannot speak, but can you and I not speak for them and represent them? Let us all feel their silent cry of agony and let us all help that cry to be heard in the world."

- Rukmini Devi Arundale

,,You don't have to go

  on a pilgrimage,

  to find enlightment,

  you don't have to be

  a saint, to change the

Liberty is the right of every living being!
And no one has the right to take this liberty away!
Since having power,
doesn't mean having Right!

Click for Good!

Visit this link to get to know
how you can help only with your click!


Start your own Petition!

Click here..


 Or here!


Share your Animal Rights Fighting Story!

Have you been part or initiator of an Animal rescue or rights fight?

Then, please share your story with us!

Write us here:

Shop with "Amazon-Smile" and support Animal Welfare Organisations!

- Click here: AMAZON-SMILE