Haven't even lived and still sentenced to dead!
Why? Because some people don't realize that ,,Meat" means ,,Animal" that this means ,,Life"!
That this is what ,,Meat" looked like before, what it was made of!
Luckily some never get to know the truth about ,,Meat" and it's ,,Secret Ingredients"!
who appear in a magical way -- finished, tasty and lifeless -- to your plates!
So you can still believe that ,,Children are brought by Storks!" and ,,Meat" is only ,,Meat"!
You are asking if you could have them ,,cooked or fried?"
Oh, no, I am sorry, I think there is some missunderstanding!
This is not an extract of our Menu, that wasn't actually our intention!
Oh yes, you are right - they look very tasty!
Ok, ok point! - They will look quite different later, on your plates!
So now they are sweet, but after a good preperation they will turn tasty!
Fascinating how ,,changeable" Animals are!
If this were just the same with Humans -
imagine they could turn just like that from ,,bad to good"!
All that is need, it seems, is a good butcher! They seem to be wizards!
But if you believe it or not - the sweet piglets in the picture and the sausage on your plate are one and the same!
- There is only a slight difference, like ,,Good" and ,,Bad", ,,Happy" and ,,Sad", ,,Death" and ,,Life"!
Oh and another one: ,,Here they might have still believed that ,,human" is a synonym for ,,humane" and probably back then they also thought that all ,,creatures"
were made by God!
They didn't even know that something like a ,,Devil" existed!
- Yes, you are right, they were still ,,young and naive", by now they should know better.
PS: Today we are running out of Meat, but we can offer you nice, tasty ,,lifeless" dishes!
If you want to give it a try - stay on this page!
On 1st Oktober is ,,World Vegetarian Day" worldwide!
A good day to support Vegetarian Lifestyle or to get help and information about how to reduce or ban Animals from your plate.
Just have a look at the events in your city and give it at least your attention!
Maybe this day will change your life!
Notice! - You can directly order or get more information about a book by clicking on it
(picture), so that you will be directed to Amazon!
Every amount of the bought books of this side will go to Animals!
But especially to the the two serious and well-known Organisations:
,,Smeura" and ,,Hope's Wildlife Society" - more infos in the ,,Donate Shop"