Who has the right to destroy their love?
Here is a place to share your favourite Animal Rights & Welfare Quotes,
Poems and Stories.
What have you done to save an animal or stand up for them or maybe someone of your friends or relatives or do
you have a statement to do regarding animal rights,
or did you wrote a poem about Animals, please share it with us!
We are looking forward to your post!
(Please use only your own words or with consent & credits of author!)
Write us: Animal-Rights@gmx.de
It is not about whether Veg Food or Meat is cooler or better or even healthier,
it is simply about a right, we don't have,
beacuse being able to do sth., doesn't mean having the right to do.
That's the big difference many don't seem to understand!
I might be able to kill and torture any living being,
I can go out there and kill someone I don't like,
but do I have the right to and won't find any justification!
If people argue that animals don't have enough brain to be recognized as someone with rights, it is not only totally wrong
and only able to be said by someone who is ignorant,
but then automatically gives us the right to kill and torture everyone who we think stand beyond
us, so we can go out and kill disabled people,
people who have a lower IQ and of course also as many plants as possible.
Supporting Violance (to any living being)
can never be argued with sense!
There is something we call common sense, and within it's boundaries there are things that can not be
argued, and there are things that are not black & white,
but only white & only black.
And if everyone would just spend a few minutes per day listening to this common sense, no matter how uncomfortable it
might be, because the result might be standing up for sth., becoming responsible, consequences, swimming against the stream, maybe also some bruises and definetely resistance,
but if you really listen to what it has to say, will give you a 100% correct and unquestionable answer to many things you still can't distinguish whether they are black
or white, wrong or right!