No, we do not have to and we should not!
If you do it for the animals, the right and peace in general or for yourself and your conscience
> It does not matter!
If you will succeed or not, if you will be able to make a big change or only a small
>It does not matter!
Everyone is asking:
,,Why should actually I do it and will it even make a difference?”
Stop asking and thinking and just start, better today than tomorrow, cause then it could be already to late for some!
EVERYONE can make a change , it is more than a typical slogan,
and if you want to hear it or not,
it is as simple as it sounds and it is true.
If you are only able to help a lost butterfly to find it's way back to freedom - Was it not worth the effort?
Does a single life not value as much as that of
Does a fly not always searches for a way to freedom?
Thus sharing our need to be free?
Does a pig not feel pain and is in agony when stolen of its freedom?
In the same way that there are no differences among
there are none in animals when it comes to their rights!
So listen to your heart and go out, look around - We are sure someone is only waiting for your help!
Be not blind and quiet, do not sit around and think!
- Just start to make the world a better place! -
- To get back the smile of our friends!
Thus changing your own life for the better along the way!
If you have any question or if you faced any such situation and need help or information,
please contact us under the following address: